
Design by PS

pontificate this!

i�ve been dissed and thanked the guy that for doing it.

so i responded to an entry mr disser made about friendship. i had been thinking about the topic for a while and then came across his post and commented, as one does. i mentioned my thoughts on the topic, as i had on a few other occasions. mr disser and i had even exchanged a couple emails that were helpful to me about pervious posts. he always came across as an intelligent, friendly and sincere person. he seems less so now, but that�s only because he back handed me. mr disser then he posts a new entry in response to my comment. he opens up the entry with � chlamygirl pontificates�.�. i read the entry, he was able to articulate what i wasn�t and i responded in his comments section by saying thanks for articulating my thoughts. then i went away and thought pontificate, hmmm, that�s a diss right? so i looked it up. pontificate � �to express opinions or judgments in a dogmatic way�. look up dogmatic � �characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles�. so what mr disser was saying was that what i had commented on i had no way of proving and that i was arrogant and in some way shoving my opinion down his and his readers throats. what i wrote may be unprovable but i was relating it to my own experience. and in his post he goes on and talks a little about his own experiences and then goes on a lot about theoretical stuff. if that�s not pontificating then i don�t know what is!

so 3 things got me riled about the situation. one is that first of all i thanked him for dissing me. secondly, a couple of other people gave him glowing praises and kudos for his wonderful (pontificating) entry, and thirdly i cannot even anonymously in cyberspace escape from getting dissed.
